Monday, December 26, 2005

26 Desember 2005 -untuk tanah rencong-

Satu Tahun Setelah Tsunami

mari tundukan kepala

kita berdoa bersama

untuk kedamaian dan kebersamaan

terus berjuang

membangun kembali

tanah rencong

dengan tekad

mengisi hidup dalam kebaikan

dan menggapai kehidupan yang lebih bijak

amin amin amin amin amin amin amin

dalam cinta,

bangsa Indonesia
yang berbhineka tunggal ika

Sunday, December 25, 2005

MerRy ChRistMas!

Dear All in Jesus LoVe!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

God Bless You!

Monday, December 19, 2005

final test

this month full with the final test

i wish a nce and peace christmas

then a happy and bright new year...

but this hard final test make me lose all the wishes...

should huffing much...

trying to make the final test time enjoyable

and then the christmas and new year

become great in the middle of the test!

Friday, December 16, 2005

News from Solo

This morning I got news from Mba Ajeng
That Galuh is in an accident

Dear my lovely sis Galuh...
I call her Iit
wish you well soon
We are praying for you
We love you

Festival Film Indonesia

gw bangga lho sama Film Indonesia
mulai ada titik terang
dari kebutekan selama ini

semoga temen temen
dari dunia Film bioskop
konsisten deh ya
bikin film bermutu
untuk masyarakat

by the way
dear my friend
Nicholas Saputra
selamet yeeee bo!!!!
2 thumbs up!
speech loe dikit!
tau aje gw ngantuk berat,
dan bertahan cuma mau liat lu maju!
hahaha GO GO GO prend!
lo mang de best laaaaa...

o ya jadi inget...
pas jaman SMU!
temen gw yang bernama JAPRA
suka banget ama yang namanya Melly Goeslaw
tadi malem pas melly muncul nyanyi AADC
gw pun nyadar! gw juga kagum sama dia!

Speech Mentri...
ugh cuma sempet denger 15 detik pertama...
Kris ganti channel TV nya....

Marcella...dan Nico..
Btw kok gw belom nonton FILM kalian
dua duanya ya... gw payah niii hehehehehe

Buat Riri Reza TOP!
Selamet Rahardjo juga!
uhmm Dian Sastro... cantiikkkkk!!!!
Sarah Sechan MC terfresh!
SAMUEL nyanyi Citraaa...
ya ampun dia lucu banget... dan TOP!

buat para penulis skenario dan penata kamera
ayoooooo berjuanggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiting for nama kalian yang menonjol
diantara nama bintang-bintang itu

banyak ya ternyata yang pengen diungkapain

sekali lagi


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

waiting for christmas (^__^)

wink wink wink
waiting for christmas

it must be rainy day
i guess so
it always bit rain in christmas

must be a lot of
hugs and kisses

im waiting for christmas

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

for something better

"ini demi kebaikan..."

"its better..."


sebenernya better untuk yang mana ya?

kok kayaknya aku ga setuju...

was it really for something better?

i still cant understand...

which one for something better?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Women R WorTHy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just received a friendster message from
an account on friendster with nickname "boys are toys"
i think it must be she then :)

"Have U ever hurted by Man????
Did u ever been lied by man????
did u ever been cheated or betrayed by man?????
or even not u that been hurted.....

did u ever knew, saw, and felt
that all around u there's so many gals...
ur bezt friend, ur neighbour,
ur sista,any gals that u knew,
or even our mom
whom are hurted, suffer, desperated,
kept struggling through their misery,
just to survive...just kept hold on tried to stay alive,

how many tears that had to be dropped.....jaz 4 a man???

BOys Never knew how we felt..
They don't care how hurted we are...
They won't to know..
wot they've done with usor...
wot they already took from us....
maybe ur heart, ur soul, ur body, ur 'virginity', ur trust.....
or,,,They won't and afraid with RESPONSIBILITY!!!
cos..They are toy!!!!!!!!!
Boyz Are Toyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so join with me!!!!. all ur expression here...
only 4 ur solidarity,
ur support 4 them that maybe desperate,
fall down, unconfidence, felt lost....let we help them,,,
to letting they know,,that...she's WORTHY and not ALONE!!!!!!!!!"

i think its the way to find friend with the same love life problem

how about you friends????
wanna join her?

i dont think boys are toys
i dont want boys think girls are toys too

if i dont want other think something
i wont think in the same way of that thinking

that makes women worthed..

Friday, December 09, 2005


once upon a time in depok
i made a dialogue with myself
foolish dialogue...

its hard...
dont do that
it would be the same
as others before
its hurting me much"

heard such as fool girl inside
unstabil and drunk
may be... I'm

Thursday, December 08, 2005


aku duduk dan kemudian berbaring
sejenak aku berpikir
sesaat kemudian aku menitikkan air mata
seraya termenung
aku mulai membuka katup kenangan

ribuan tawa namun jutaan tangis
dan hikmah yang tak terhitung
hanya tinggal serbuk masa lampau

tangan ingin mencoba kembali meraih
namun terkulai tak berdaya

hati kecil terluka
dalam.... sangat dalam....

menanti datangnya kenyataan
seperti dalam kenangan
persahabatan yang menakjubkan

dedicated to:
Nix, Tan3, Ari, Ghe', Naya and Kholis

Saturday Night
February 23rd, 2002

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Dear Nix Mazeltov my bestfriend...

Have a nice graduation day...
Good luck for the new life!

Not student anymore in Trisakti
but still student in Life..

Love you dear

your piggy

Friday, December 02, 2005

goldie mama

Dear mama,

Happy wise goldie

you are so lovely

lots of hugs and kisses

in your deepest love

as my guardian

show me the world

with heart

in God spotlight...
