Tuesday, August 30, 2005

coming h o m e

August 27th 2005

Party for us..@UN Habitat office..

back (Mr. Dito, Bang Zul, Yusda, K Dewi, Fajar, Mas Bambang, Lisa)

front (Mr.Atim, K Yuni, Popon item, Band Andi, Wanda, K Ia, Ata, K Yanti, Mr. Ross)
UN Habitat family @ front teracce of UN Habitat office
Jl Taman Makam Pahlawan number 3, Banda Aceh

i will really miss u all friends...

hei hei hei depok!!!

Im home now
Its nice!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005


After dinner on Raja birthday party

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lisa, fajar, mike, mr.atim, mr.ross, raja, bang said

Mike asked us to watch movie in his house
because tomorrow is our holliday (Indonesian Independence day)
and he promised us to deliver us home after that...

We didnt watch movie at all... too tired...
but we played cards
there were intan, art, lisa (australia), fajar, germany woman (forget her name),
mike and myself...
Lisa didnt play she was so sleepy that night

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wanda, intan, ..., lisa, mike, fajar

at 11 pm we asked mike to deliver us home...
he agreed
but... unfortunately...
the driver already slept that time..

accidently fajar, lisa and me slept in UNDP house...

there was no room for us..
Intan had idea...
we slept together
on the top of the building...

cold but cool

Fajar, Lisa, Wanda, Intan, Mike
Sleepover on the roof @UNDP house number 3
August 16th, 2005 Banda Aceh-Indonesia

Indonesia Independence day in Banda Aceh

After mike and intan deliver us home
Fajar and I cleaned our house, washed our clothes
washed plates, showered and packing
and then suddenly went to Merduati to meet Vic and Leony

And then we went to Lambung for lunch with the villagers

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a cup of coffee with lunch

The next hour we went to Lisa's house and waiting for Mike

We went to Lhok Nga beach with Mike, Intan, Vebry, and Lisa

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mike and his surf stuff

The journey still run that night...
we arrived at Lisa's house at 8 PM
and then after had our dinner
Bang Samdani from Lambung picked us up
to his village and the villagers give us alot of durian...

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Pak Zaidi, Lisa, Wanda, Bang Samdani

wow...they gave us over and over again... till drop...
and they delivered us home it almost at 00.00...

what a busy independence day...

dah hampir selesai niii... seminggu lagi...
tak tau lagi bagaimana keaadaan diri sekarang ini...
pastinya tak terawat hueheuhauhuahua
yah ga apa apa
btw the most important thing adalah
i miss all of my family...
my pets
my bestfriends
my friends
my room
my home...
yaaaaaaa semuanyaaaa.....
muach muach muach

luv u

Thursday, August 11, 2005


FRS itu Formulir rencana studi
nah today mesti ngisi niiii
biar awal semester wanda bisa kuliah lagii
ni pinjem komputer k Nadiya di UN Habitat
mau ngambil brapa sks ya??? belom tau niiii
hupss today wanda pilekk
trus minum nalgestan, sudah baekann
tapi ngantuk, ga papa

oiya Anne dari Handicap International
mau pulang ke Perancis..

Terima kasih udah diajak lunch di Pizza Mina..
Walaupun Anne dan Mike berebutan bayar...
akhirnya Mike yang menang untuk bayar...
lucu banget kalian....

Leony, Victor, Wanda, Raja, Anne, Mike, Fajar, Lisa
August 9th, 2005 @ Pizza Mina, Banda Aceh

Today Anne pulang, sebelumnya dia mampir ke UN habitat dulu
untuk ngucapin selamat tinggal dan ngasih kita kenang-kenangan
Trus kita sempet foto sama-sama :)

pak dito, victor, wanda, fajar, anne, lisa, leony

@UN habitat office, Banda Aceh

Makasi dan sampai ketemu lagi Anne!!!

udah dulu ya!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


hei semua

ini wanda

masih hidup hehehe

masih bahagia

semoga bahagia selamanya


luv u all