Thursday, December 30, 2010

new year eve

dear pals,

here I am now. wishing me a kid as days before as a flying kid.

Flying name itself came from Arovian nickname (refers to flying_rovian) at mIRC, he is one of my best pal when I was 15th years old.

and Kid came from Eka nickname (refers to Kid_Kat) at mIRC, he is my adopt brother =)

But as the time rushing and crounching ;) I realized that I am stay now..

with a lot of things I got, some experiences, bunch of pals and plenty of adopt brothers and sisters also adopt dad, oma, opa and super kakek, not even left adopt dog... :) I have a man to be stay with 2 days after now.

After the new year eve, ME and the MAN will be have a fantastic and amazing wedding moment. These two hearts will be serve God more in love and bright happiness.

To my family, best friends, brothers, sisters, friends and anyone no more I could tell you. I just pray for your health and happiness.

with full of love


Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas and New Year

Holidays and family gathering on Christmas and New Year, that's why I love December! This December seems so perfect, I have lots touches with family and friends and also doing anything I want such doing gymnastic, arrange things and having body spa as much as i want :)

Actually the activities so rough and in plan. The only thread is the Jakarta's traffic jam. I wish next week, Jakarta is quite friendly with me.

So dear you all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope you and family have a good time, have precious moments, have a fine hearts and have a lucky things there.

Big hugs and Grand Kisses


Monday, November 01, 2010

so then I know what the Hectic means

Previous month was October 2010, and that month was the first time i had no time to even write a sentence to you all here.. ^_^ the hectic began pals!

first until 9th october I was terribly busy with the engagement preparation. As the day come 101010 refer to 10th October 2010, the days follow were the most busy days in my world since the first month I wrote this continuous monthly blog in 2005. I hope I can apologize myself then.

The house renovation, wedding preparation, taking care of ill grandmother and into the rigid plan of organize Pangestu are all the matter beside house and relation management.

I decided not to work for now. It will be much better.

To Daia the dinosaur thank you for helping me lots!
To Dwitya the lutung thank you for accompany me all nights!
To Suti and Yanti the servants thank you for your hard work^_^
To My love ever, Mas Suryo, thank you for all your support and love. 
To My brother Kris, thank you for your kindness!
To My mom and dad thank you for loving me..

I feel grateful and terrific blessed. Lord with us >:d<

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wonderous Autumn

Working on our own knees and feet will be freshful for our lung. and I proofed it! After all the hectic times at school, now the greatest hectic is coming to home. Long holidays with the extra bonus time and fun, Idul fitri moments, mom and dad wed 27th anniversary, my 26th years old birthday, my grandmother 86th birthday, the house renovations and some extra preparation for the simply wed of mine..

I hope the flying kid has this autumn as wonderous moments after all...
and for you, who read it.. God love and bless you, always.

with love

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 2010

This August 2010

1. Me, master of architecture already, wew bit spooky :)

2. Do fast

3. Pamudharan day celebration

4. Indonesia Independence day

5. Lovely moments of wedding preparation :)

hope you are happy pals ^_^

Thursday, July 29, 2010


setelah 'hectic days' saya memutuskan untuk ngamar...

ngamar itu adalah berada di dalam sebuah kamar ^_^ 

kegiatan di dalam kamar ini berbeda dengan kegiatan saya biasanya yang hanya tidur atau melamun... tidak tidak... hehehe ngamar di sini artinya mengurangi makan, mengurangi tidur, mengurangi minum dan membaca buku - buku wajib ajaran Sang Guru Sejati, terutama pustaka suci Sasangka Jati.

Tujuan ngamar adalah menenangkan hati dan melatih mengekang hawa nafsu. Angan-angan dituntun agar selalu teralihkan titik berat kesadarannya ke Tripurusa (Suksma Kawekas-Suksma Sejati dan Roh Suci), sehingga hati menjadi tenteram.

Latihan mengekang hawa nafsu dengan cara mengurangi tidur dan makan secukupnya (dalam pengalaman saya kemaren, saya puasa "mutih"). Selain itu juga mengurangi kontak dengan dunia luar, seperti tidak pegang hp, bb apalagi komputer. Semua itu bertujuan agar titik berat kesadaran saya dapat secara stabil mengarah pada Sang pemilik hidup.

Saya melakukan ngamar ini selama tiga hari. Manfaat yang saya dapatkan adalah saya merasakan ketenangan hati dan ketentraman yang tiada habisnya. 

Ngamar hanyalah suatu bentuk latihan. Sedangkan pelaksanaannya adalah di dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Upaya untuk menyucikan hati, harus terus diusahakan, agar kita dapat bertunggal dengan Sang Penguasa Hidup di dalam hati sanubari kita yang suci.

Ada yang tertarik mencoba?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Penyakit vs Olahraga

"Olahraga bisa bikin semua penyakit kabur!" kata seorang dokter.

Kamu tau ngga kalo hampir semua dokter bilang kayak gitu? Termasuk dokter informal alias papa mama di rumah! hehehe... Risih banget kalo dibilang kayak gitu, soalnya udah sampe bego olahraga kadang masih sering sakit.

Seiring mencari pembenaran hehehe... aku cari cari datangnya penyakit darimana sih???

pertama ya karena emang bener kurang olahraga, olahraga yang baik itu minimaaaaal banget ya 3 kali seminggu, masing masing minimal banget 30 menit. Kalo kurang akbibatnya ya kadang lemes, pusing, mudah cape, sesek nafas dan lainnya.

kedua karena stress berkepanjangan, stress merupakan akibat dari ngga jujur, ngga narima, ngga sabar, ngga rela dan ngga budiluhur hehehe... Kalo menghadapi masalah dengan kejujuran dan sebagainya, apa pun masalahnya, pasti dijamin ngga akan stress berkepanjangan. Apalagi kalo bisa sadar percaya taat pada Tuhan yang Maha Esa (Tripurusa) pasti ngga akan stress ^_^ dan ngga akan sakit. Just you and God know why you look so stressful pals ^_^

ketiga karena ada wabah penyakit yang menyebar, dan kita ngga ada persiapan untuk menjaga tubuh. Kayak apa sih? misalnya kalo tau lagi musim flu, ya sebaiknya sering sering cuci tangan (jangan jorok)! misalnya lagi kalo tau udara lagi ngga enak, badan juga lagi ngga enak, udah pasti daya tahan tubuh turun, langsung usaha makan sayur yang banyak, buah yang banyak dan kalo ada vitamin supaya asupan yang masuk untuk tubuh seimbang dengan energi yang dikeluarkan. Penyakit jenis ini misalnya kita kena demam berdarah, flu burung, flu babi dan sebagainya.

Keempat adalah tidak ada penyakit keturunan yang ada hanyalah penyakit karena pola hidup yang salah. Coba kenali tubuh dengan lebih baik pelajari setiap gerik tubuh, apa yang ditolaknya dan apa yang diterimanya. Misal menjaga pola makan, mana yang membuat badan menjadi sehat, konsumsilah. Mana yang membuat badan menjadi rusak, jauhilah ^_^ Kemudian jaga pola istirahat, tubuh bekerja optimal pada pukul 05.00-19.00, diluar jam itu perlakukanlah tubuh dengan lembut dan istirahatkan.Bekerja keras hingga terlalu larut dapat menyebabkan rusaknya sistem kerja tubuh di masa yang akan datang.

Kelima adalah penyakit merupakan salah satu media penebus dosa. Belive it or not, yes it is true ^_^ banyak faktor x di dunia ini, yang ngga semua harus kita ketahui dalam sekejap mata. Nah penyakit jenis ini misalnya patah tulang, gegar otak, cacat tubuh karena kecelakaan, bayi yang kena HIV, leukimia dan sebagainya.Cara mengatasinya? Terima apa yang menjadi bagian kita, sabar menghadapi penyakitnya dan berdoa untuk memohon ampun pada Tuhan serta bersyukur karena masih diberi kesempatan menebus dosa. ^_^

Aha by the way, aku punya dua tips untuk kamu untuk menghindari penyakit-penyakit yang sering datang (hampir setiap saat) di saat kita lengah

1. Yuk kita olahraga. Susun sendiri jadwal pribadi. Bisa pagi, bisa siang, bisa sore, bisa juga malem. Ajak juga orang-orang di sekitar kita terutama anggota keluarga, karena mereka yang paling dekat dengan kita, sedihkan kalo mereka sakit hanya karena jarang olahraga? Dan jangan lupa, jagalah kerutinan dan kedisiplinanmu selama berolahraga.

*penyakit datang karena di tubuh ada racun
*cara buang racun = berolahraga
*penyakit kalah sama olahraga


2. Jangan lupa berdoa mohon daya kekuatan atas kekuasaan Tuhan agar kita dapat melaksanakan tugas kewajiban lahir dan batin dengan sempurna ya ^_^

*Segala keadaan dunia yang membuat kita tidak tenteram dapat dikalahkan dengan kekuatan doa.

Happy Life for You Pals!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

about mandy

Mandy has been with me after the addoption day 4th June, 2009.

Grateful of her.

PitaPata Dog tickers

the walking moments

and i captured my curiousity

on my thesis...

it is about the walking moments

Friday, May 07, 2010

Charger Blackberrrrrrrrrrry

Setiap hari jumat, sabtu dan minggu, papa pulang ke rumah. Aku suka sekali pinjam blackberry-nya, untuk main sebuah permainan mole (menyusun kata bahasa inggris). Setiap kali main, menghabiskan waktu yang cukup lama, kalau terlalu lama sang blackberry bisa kehabisan batere. Papa ngga pernah bawa pulang charger blackberry-nya, charger ditinggal di kantor. Itulah sebabnya aku ngga pernah bisa main terlalu lama, supaya batere-nya ngga habis.

Senin lalu aku pesan padanya, agar jumat nanti bawa charger-nya, dengan harapan aku bisa main sepuasnya. Jumat sore ini, sebelum papa pulang aku sms.

W: Pa, udah pulang? jangan lupa bawa charger BB ya!
P: Udah, sampai Thamrin. Engga bawa charger BB, supaya ngga dimainin kamu!
W: huhuhuhu (menangis)
P: Kenapa sih kamu suka sama charger? beli aja sana charger BB! supaya bisa mainan charger terus, ngga usah nunggu papa pulang!
W: ...



sore ini
mama pulang cepat
langsung cari jakarta post
lalu duduk di meja kerja
memandang koran itu 
dengan khusuk

bermain sudoku

Saturday, May 01, 2010

black night

moment of the death
the black night
was very silent

bold dark
calm night
tranquile black

sleep tight!

Friday, April 30, 2010


sprinkly sparks
keep me wondering

not diamond
nor stars

sprinkly sparks
keep me starring

brings joy
to my night

as moon at her pride
as birds rest peacefuly
as my heart sings happily

i know that is angel's
angel's blessing

middle of the night

To my brown curly hair brother
saw you first and last
when i was so small
You had smiley face
funniest face in the world
happiness is us right?
do you agree?
wish can see your smiley face
once again at the rest of my life

To my sudden christmas brother
you are the one that young and bald
fill my heart and soul last and forever
God shows His power on you
your voice, brain dan character
you are such a lucky boy 
with great pleasure life
you accompany my rocky life
you put and flush the mess
at a moment
even tall, you are little one for me

To my black image brother
even i know you are not black
i do want to see you
give me your hand again please
don't let mine go
grateful to see you
thank you for remembering me
that a lot of things i need to do

To my precious prue brother
i want to hear your voice
voice that never blame at me
i have your promise
you will die with your super wise smile
that would heal all the wounds
keep shiny my living role model

To my sunny knight ever
will you here,
after this all weird stories?

i have the cup
and you have the coffee

can we sit and share more?

3 idiots and my name is khan

3 idiots and my name is khan are bollywood movies
these two films are must see films for movie goers

3 idiots

my name is khan

for these two films,
i do not want to give you some spoilers
i promise!

see it and see it once again 
or may be you'll need once again ^_^
i hope 
you know what i mean

it is life

days of hers

as i open my eyes
i see her

her warmth and love
wraps my day
and gently covers my life

as i grow up
i see her

her work and pray
shields my heart
and strongly save my soul

as i plan my day and life
i see her

my hands and soul
wake up for her

i build it for her

i put my pray
to the only God 
the one creates us

i set my day and day
for her
the woman who delivered me to this world
the one who always praise God
inside her soul

i love you mama

Thursday, April 29, 2010


he told me 
once he stays his heart for a woman
he would not take it away from that woman

he will care the whole heart
he will stay for the whole life

and he is
he holds his own words

he is my love

the one that only choose one for forever

dedicated to my love

black image

wednesday morning story

the black image of him still stays here
the unknown big blood brother
the one that i would never know

the moments were
i said that i love him
he said that he will finnish his study
then back to me, to Indonesia
he wanted to teach me how to play golf
and after he held my hand
said that he did not want to 
separate anymore from me, his siter.

morning dew

my sweetheart from my waking life phoned me

I told him what was my dream
then as the story ended

I cried

my chest such hurt
big black hole

i was mess yesterday...

dragon and remember me

two days sit by myself on that noon show

first day i watched "how to train your dragon"
it was fun and educate
hiccup little guy and toothless  dragon
showed me how things work
by hard work and trust

how the old vikings finally proud his son
was also very good example for some parents

how the little vikings friends futurely become one
was also amazed me

the end of the story was they informed us
that dragon can be a pet, a good friend pet

the second movie was "remember me"

i dont want to review this movie

i dont want to say this one is bad
nor this movie jerk

even I do rate this movie 4 out of 10
as I rate My Name is Khan for 7 out of 10
and 3 Idiots for 9.5 out of 10.

but after all, not about the rate
it is exactly about my heart

this movie touch me so much..
especially the point of
how tyler treated his little sister, caroline


some scenes made me
cry out of loud...

was @ margo platinum screen depok

Monday, April 26, 2010

5 years of full blogging

this kid is flying
5 years with full blogging

flying higher
but sometimes
flying lower

this kid is growing
5 years of contemplation

living happily
and some sections
living gratefuly

what a life you live for?
to fly out
or to fly over

ehm, none both
this kid chooses
fly in

fly to smash the wind
fly to splash the water
fly to swing the earth
fly to smile up the creatures

this kid
keep flying

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Grandmother and Her New Television

January 2010, my charming grandmother was lying down at the Harapan Kita Hospital in West Jakarta with a large screen television, when she said to my brother that she wondered it was nice if she had one large television at her own room, at home, in Magelang. Therefore, she asked my brother, Kris, how much does it cost to buy one like the one at the hospital.

Three months after that television issue between them, my brother told me to buy one for her. Then, via e-mail I asked if any of our cousins would join us. Some of them responded and then I flied to Magelang. Jakarta - Magelang was only one hour flight.

Pak Nur, the guardian angel of my grandmother, picked me up at the Adi Sutjipto airport. Then we went to the electronic shop, named A Takrib, in Yogyakarta - Central Java.  I bought a 32 inch wide screen LG television, the fine wall bracket and good quality wires.

Two hours drive from Yogyakarta to Magelang, with some traffics, because it was afternoon. As we arrived to my grandmother house, it was near the evening time, and she was sitting at the dining room near the courtyard with one gentlement guest, her next house neighbor. She surprised when she saw what I brought. Touchy moment when she knew it was from whole of her grandchildren with the moment of KARTINI day!

Took three hours to install the television inside her room. Four gentle boys help me. They were employees from the electronic shop in Yogyakarta. They worked hard to install it. While the hectic moment of installation, my grandmother had another 3 groups of guests. Some Pangestu friends and some not. She has many guests everyday, every moment where she is, even out of her house. She is famous!

Eight am sharp the boys already installed her new television and the guests went home almost at the same time. She was very happy and of course excited. She prepared to watch her favourite sinetron on her bed.

She put her body on a very comfortable position and I turned the volume on high level. I thought it was really loud, and that would be loud enough for her. Then I went to the guest room and while I am talking on the phone to Jakarta, she suddenly came to the living room near the guest room and watched the old television and then made its sound louder. I wondered what happened with the new television. When I asked her, she said that she did not know how to make it louder. So, I asked her came back to her room and teached her how to use the new remote control.

She learned fast and amically fast enough with the new stuffs. She watched it when the film was running and fall a slept when the advertising was. I hope with this new one, she can has enough time to rest. She slept after all the sinetron over, drank the jamu serbaguna, brushed her teeth, wash her feet and said her pray. It was half past ten pm.

The next morning she learned more how to use the remote control. We had breakfast and lunch together. She hugged me tight and did not want to release me for some minutes. She said 'please do not go so fast'. I wish I can go to see her often.

Love you Grandny

Monday, March 29, 2010

adopt brothers

this is the picture, how we described out adopt brothers
me and olga
abang and kakak kerbau

Monday, March 08, 2010


First she came fragile, like a caterpillar, 
then and as yet she grows beautifully such as a butterfly

-M.N.A. Gafur- February 2010 - to his adopt sister

10 ^_^ 2010 - January - 10

The view of my sight
on our way to Dana Warih
Sekretariat Pangestu
at Gandaria Kebayoran Baru
I saw the street life

the street wonder : unbreathable

9 ^_^ 2010 - January - 09

We got it from the neighbor next wall ^_^
I treasure it very much
I ate two plates of this portion
-tape mania-

Tape Cirebon

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Days keep Running

My days were running surely
and i guess will go as well

some beggars still work as beggars
the street musicians now bring more complex instruments
parents keep an eye to their children
mobile vegetables seller still has spirit on their cyle

The elderly come to hospital and stay for nights
The younger focus hard on their dreams and hopes
The women and the men are wearing what they want to wear

and even... the days on this mother earth still running

there are no waste dear..

everydot meaningful! keep bright heart!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

8 ^_^ 2010 - January - 08

that guy is counting his money
hard worker
with old vehicle
mom and I wondering
he must be a piece of kindness in Jakarta

man of heaven

7 ^_^ 2010 - January - 07

Suzuki cross over B1351TR
Nice Color
Thank You Car!
 my night shoot

6 ^_^ 2010 - January - 06

what the smiles ^_^

mi na pals
at Sushi Tei - Pondok Indah Mall 2 Jakarta

my kevin and my doug

Friday, January 08, 2010

5 ^_^ 2010 - January - 05

Journey after the hectic day
hectic moments
hectic times
the dark day

Monday, January 04, 2010

4 ^_^ 2010 - January - 04

The blue sky
The sun shine
The green grass
The soft blown of the wind
The sounds of singing bird
The playing kids
such a perfect morning

view from my second floor room

Sunday, January 03, 2010

3 ^_^ 2010 - January - 03


This morning, my aunt Anna, teach me how to make vignette

so the picture of Mandy is my very first vignette!

vignette of mandy the dachshund

Saturday, January 02, 2010

2 ^_^ 2010 - January - 02

This what we call meeting of friends
Mandy the dog
Keisha the girl

morning walk

1 ^_^ 2010 - January - 01

In the term of grieve for
The fourth President
Republic of Indonesia
Abdurrahman Wahid

half-mars flag

Friday, January 01, 2010

part of Indonesian Woman issues

afternoon, after walking around with my dog
a gentle voice heard after the ringing call

she is my dad foster mother...
my foster grandma hihihi

she said
"Indonesian woman is created to be beautiful dan happy

now, you sould tell your mother!
broko suto, genuinely honest, that he is your choice
where your heart is stay and won't ask other heart
Tell her!

I support you! Dont be affraid! just tell what you feel!"

God bless you grandma!

First Day in 2010 - We Call it NEW YEAR

sun shine brightly

mother's smile decor the day

dad still workaholic

brother has more bald

dog is doing well

man calm

people all together 

smart neighborhood

no more better than God Bless


Happiness is 
our own decision!

its new year