Satu Tahun Setelah Tsunami
mari tundukan kepala
kita berdoa bersama
untuk kedamaian dan kebersamaan
terus berjuang
membangun kembali
tanah rencong
dengan tekad
mengisi hidup dalam kebaikan
dan menggapai kehidupan yang lebih bijak
amin amin amin amin amin amin amin
dalam cinta,
bangsa Indonesia
yang berbhineka tunggal ika
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
MerRy ChRistMas!
Dear All in Jesus LoVe!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
God Bless You!
Monday, December 19, 2005
final test
this month full with the final test
i wish a nce and peace christmas
then a happy and bright new year...
but this hard final test make me lose all the wishes...
should huffing much...
trying to make the final test time enjoyable
and then the christmas and new year
become great in the middle of the test!
i wish a nce and peace christmas
then a happy and bright new year...
but this hard final test make me lose all the wishes...
should huffing much...
trying to make the final test time enjoyable
and then the christmas and new year
become great in the middle of the test!
Friday, December 16, 2005
News from Solo
This morning I got news from Mba Ajeng
That Galuh is in an accident
Dear my lovely sis Galuh...
I call her Iit
wish you well soon
We are praying for you
We love you
That Galuh is in an accident
Dear my lovely sis Galuh...
I call her Iit
wish you well soon
We are praying for you
We love you
Festival Film Indonesia
gw bangga lho sama Film Indonesia
mulai ada titik terang
dari kebutekan selama ini
semoga temen temen
dari dunia Film bioskop
konsisten deh ya
bikin film bermutu
untuk masyarakat
by the way
dear my friend
Nicholas Saputra
selamet yeeee bo!!!!
2 thumbs up!
speech loe dikit!
tau aje gw ngantuk berat,
dan bertahan cuma mau liat lu maju!
hahaha GO GO GO prend!
lo mang de best laaaaa...
o ya jadi inget...
pas jaman SMU!
temen gw yang bernama JAPRA
suka banget ama yang namanya Melly Goeslaw
tadi malem pas melly muncul nyanyi AADC
gw pun nyadar! gw juga kagum sama dia!
Speech Mentri...
ugh cuma sempet denger 15 detik pertama...
Kris ganti channel TV nya....
Marcella...dan Nico..
Btw kok gw belom nonton FILM kalian
dua duanya ya... gw payah niii hehehehehe
Buat Riri Reza TOP!
Selamet Rahardjo juga!
uhmm Dian Sastro... cantiikkkkk!!!!
Sarah Sechan MC terfresh!
SAMUEL nyanyi Citraaa...
ya ampun dia lucu banget... dan TOP!
buat para penulis skenario dan penata kamera
ayoooooo berjuanggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiting for nama kalian yang menonjol
diantara nama bintang-bintang itu
banyak ya ternyata yang pengen diungkapain
sekali lagi
gw bangga lho sama Film Indonesia
mulai ada titik terang
dari kebutekan selama ini
semoga temen temen
dari dunia Film bioskop
konsisten deh ya
bikin film bermutu
untuk masyarakat
by the way
dear my friend
Nicholas Saputra
selamet yeeee bo!!!!
2 thumbs up!
speech loe dikit!
tau aje gw ngantuk berat,
dan bertahan cuma mau liat lu maju!
hahaha GO GO GO prend!
lo mang de best laaaaa...
o ya jadi inget...
pas jaman SMU!
temen gw yang bernama JAPRA
suka banget ama yang namanya Melly Goeslaw
tadi malem pas melly muncul nyanyi AADC
gw pun nyadar! gw juga kagum sama dia!
Speech Mentri...
ugh cuma sempet denger 15 detik pertama...
Kris ganti channel TV nya....
Marcella...dan Nico..
Btw kok gw belom nonton FILM kalian
dua duanya ya... gw payah niii hehehehehe
Buat Riri Reza TOP!
Selamet Rahardjo juga!
uhmm Dian Sastro... cantiikkkkk!!!!
Sarah Sechan MC terfresh!
SAMUEL nyanyi Citraaa...
ya ampun dia lucu banget... dan TOP!
buat para penulis skenario dan penata kamera
ayoooooo berjuanggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiting for nama kalian yang menonjol
diantara nama bintang-bintang itu
banyak ya ternyata yang pengen diungkapain
sekali lagi
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
waiting for christmas (^__^)
wink wink wink
waiting for christmas
it must be rainy day
i guess so
it always bit rain in christmas
must be a lot of
hugs and kisses
im waiting for christmas
waiting for christmas
it must be rainy day
i guess so
it always bit rain in christmas
must be a lot of
hugs and kisses
im waiting for christmas
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
for something better
"ini demi kebaikan..."
"its better..."
sebenernya better untuk yang mana ya?
kok kayaknya aku ga setuju...
was it really for something better?
i still cant understand...
which one for something better?
"its better..."
sebenernya better untuk yang mana ya?
kok kayaknya aku ga setuju...
was it really for something better?
i still cant understand...
which one for something better?
Monday, December 12, 2005
Women R WorTHy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just received a friendster message from
an account on friendster with nickname "boys are toys"
i think it must be she then :)
"Have U ever hurted by Man????
Did u ever been lied by man????
did u ever been cheated or betrayed by man?????
or even not u that been hurted.....
did u ever knew, saw, and felt
that all around u there's so many gals...
ur bezt friend, ur neighbour,
ur sista,any gals that u knew,
or even our mom
whom are hurted, suffer, desperated,
kept struggling through their misery,
just to survive...just kept hold on tried to stay alive,
how many tears that had to be dropped.....jaz 4 a man???
BOys Never knew how we felt..
They don't care how hurted we are...
They won't to know..
wot they've done with usor...
wot they already took from us....
maybe ur heart, ur soul, ur body, ur 'virginity', ur trust.....
or,,,They won't and afraid with RESPONSIBILITY!!!
cos..They are toy!!!!!!!!!
Boyz Are Toyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so join with me!!!!. all ur expression here...
only 4 ur solidarity,
ur support 4 them that maybe desperate,
fall down, unconfidence, felt lost....let we help them,,,
to letting they know,,that...she's WORTHY and not ALONE!!!!!!!!!"
i think its the way to find friend with the same love life problem
how about you friends????
wanna join her?
i dont think boys are toys
i dont want boys think girls are toys too
if i dont want other think something
i wont think in the same way of that thinking
that makes women worthed..
an account on friendster with nickname "boys are toys"
i think it must be she then :)
"Have U ever hurted by Man????
Did u ever been lied by man????
did u ever been cheated or betrayed by man?????
or even not u that been hurted.....
did u ever knew, saw, and felt
that all around u there's so many gals...
ur bezt friend, ur neighbour,
ur sista,any gals that u knew,
or even our mom
whom are hurted, suffer, desperated,
kept struggling through their misery,
just to survive...just kept hold on tried to stay alive,
how many tears that had to be dropped.....jaz 4 a man???
BOys Never knew how we felt..
They don't care how hurted we are...
They won't to know..
wot they've done with usor...
wot they already took from us....
maybe ur heart, ur soul, ur body, ur 'virginity', ur trust.....
or,,,They won't and afraid with RESPONSIBILITY!!!
cos..They are toy!!!!!!!!!
Boyz Are Toyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so join with me!!!!. all ur expression here...
only 4 ur solidarity,
ur support 4 them that maybe desperate,
fall down, unconfidence, felt lost....let we help them,,,
to letting they know,,that...she's WORTHY and not ALONE!!!!!!!!!"
i think its the way to find friend with the same love life problem
how about you friends????
wanna join her?
i dont think boys are toys
i dont want boys think girls are toys too
if i dont want other think something
i wont think in the same way of that thinking
that makes women worthed..
Friday, December 09, 2005
once upon a time in depok
i made a dialogue with myself
foolish dialogue...
its hard...
dont do that
it would be the same
as others before
its hurting me much"
heard such as fool girl inside
unstabil and drunk
may be... I'm
Thursday, December 08, 2005
aku duduk dan kemudian berbaring
sejenak aku berpikir
sesaat kemudian aku menitikkan air mata
seraya termenung
aku mulai membuka katup kenangan
ribuan tawa namun jutaan tangis
dan hikmah yang tak terhitung
hanya tinggal serbuk masa lampau
tangan ingin mencoba kembali meraih
namun terkulai tak berdaya
hati kecil terluka
dalam.... sangat dalam....
menanti datangnya kenyataan
seperti dalam kenangan
persahabatan yang menakjubkan
dedicated to:
Nix, Tan3, Ari, Ghe', Naya and Kholis
Saturday Night
February 23rd, 2002
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Dear Nix Mazeltov my bestfriend...
Have a nice graduation day...
Good luck for the new life!
Not student anymore in Trisakti
but still student in Life..
Love you dear
your piggy
Have a nice graduation day...
Good luck for the new life!
Not student anymore in Trisakti
but still student in Life..
Love you dear
your piggy
Friday, December 02, 2005
goldie mama
Saturday, November 26, 2005
a dream
there will be cows right there
cocks and hens everywhere
dogs bravely show their faithful
small simple house
surrounded by wide green grass
fresh air
clean water
little friends give their best laugh
live in peaceful and lot of smile
cocks and hens everywhere
dogs bravely show their faithful
small simple house
surrounded by wide green grass
fresh air
clean water
little friends give their best laugh
live in peaceful and lot of smile
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
merasa bersalah!
"hm... naek ojek 3000 trus angkot 1000 hemm ojek lagi 5000" dalem hati sambil ngitung uang... gile ongkos jadi naekkk hahaha... buru buru sihhhh jadi ngojekk padahal kalo ga buru buru mungkin ongkos bisa cuman 1000 rupiah!!!! dari rumah ke depan jalan kaki... trus naek angkot bayar 1000 trus naek bus kampus... tapi karena mendadak disuruh ngampus jadi lari tunggang langgang... bokek deh... :(
pas naek angkot si supirnya malah ngomongin lagu 'si komo' inget ga siiih??? macet lagi macet lagi gara gara si komo lewat.... pak polisi jadi bingung orang orang ikut bingung...
huaaaahahahaha lucu banget supirnya nyanyi nyanyi gitu gara gara jam setengah dua siang plis dong masa macet siiiiihhh..... hehehe
pas turun dari angkot dengan bangganya bayar 1000 rupiah pake uang baru.... uhm tapi tiba tiba wajah si supir yang tadinya bahagia karena nyanyi nyanyi kok jadi berubah gitu ya...
hem mungkin dia ada masalah kali ya...
setelah tu angkot pergi...
ya ampuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
baru nyadar.....
kan BBM naek... bukan cuma ojek doang yang naekkkkkk... tapi angkot juga....
jadi bukan 1000 harusnya tapi 1500...
huhuhuhu merasa bersalah....
jadi ga enak...
kerasa banget ga enaknya
sampe sampe pengen ketemu lagi sama abang-abang angkotnya
mau bayar lagiii
ya ampunnn maafkan saya ya abang angkot ya ceria :)
semoga suatu hari kita bertemu lagi, untuk ngelunasin utang saya... amin :)
pas naek angkot si supirnya malah ngomongin lagu 'si komo' inget ga siiih??? macet lagi macet lagi gara gara si komo lewat.... pak polisi jadi bingung orang orang ikut bingung...
huaaaahahahaha lucu banget supirnya nyanyi nyanyi gitu gara gara jam setengah dua siang plis dong masa macet siiiiihhh..... hehehe
pas turun dari angkot dengan bangganya bayar 1000 rupiah pake uang baru.... uhm tapi tiba tiba wajah si supir yang tadinya bahagia karena nyanyi nyanyi kok jadi berubah gitu ya...
hem mungkin dia ada masalah kali ya...
setelah tu angkot pergi...
ya ampuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
baru nyadar.....
kan BBM naek... bukan cuma ojek doang yang naekkkkkk... tapi angkot juga....
jadi bukan 1000 harusnya tapi 1500...
huhuhuhu merasa bersalah....
jadi ga enak...
kerasa banget ga enaknya
sampe sampe pengen ketemu lagi sama abang-abang angkotnya
mau bayar lagiii
ya ampunnn maafkan saya ya abang angkot ya ceria :)
semoga suatu hari kita bertemu lagi, untuk ngelunasin utang saya... amin :)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
thank you for understanding me..
thank you for understanding me
you always sit right beside me
you always make my heart comfort
but i still cant realize
another hurts will come
and i still like pray for us
may happyness always in our heart
thank you for understanding me
s i l l y- t h i n g s!
Sun shine brightly in this side of world
and Moon out calmly in the other side of world
Remember the silence feeling writing i wrote month ago?
may be suggestion to make the next chapter of it is quite brilliant =)
thanks Nick!
and Moon out calmly in the other side of world
She is walking through the streets
breath deeply on her every step
smiling to herself when she realize
thinking of him
He is writing on his work
seeing the clock everytime he could
realize that he thinking nothing
except thinking of her too
silly things..
since when it started
until when it will find the end
now nobody knows
Remember the silence feeling writing i wrote month ago?
may be suggestion to make the next chapter of it is quite brilliant =)
thanks Nick!
Read This Book!!!
Dear my friends,
dont care you are boys or girls
may be men or women too =)
if you have time for love
try to read this book
its good
i really give you recommendation to read it
i think oldish who lived ages before us
applied way of life such as printed on this book
remember the name of the book?
"he's just not that into you"
remember who wrote it?
Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
not only for women
of course men need read it too!
tell me after you read it =)
dont care you are boys or girls
may be men or women too =)
if you have time for love
try to read this book
its good
i really give you recommendation to read it
i think oldish who lived ages before us
applied way of life such as printed on this book
remember the name of the book?
"he's just not that into you"
remember who wrote it?
Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
not only for women
of course men need read it too!
tell me after you read it =)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
He's just not that into you!
hi hi hi hi hi provokatif banget nih buku!!!
di satu sisi its really match sama konvensional life gw =)
He's Just Not That Into You
By Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
"He's Just Not That Into You is provocative,
hilarious and, above all, intoxicatingly liberating.
It deserves a place on every woman's night table.
It knows you're a beautiful, smart, funny woman who deserves better.
The next time you feel the need to start "figuring him out,"
consider the glorious thought that maybe he's just not that into you.
And then set yourself loose to go find the one who is."
You should see how Wulan suggested me to read this book!
You must be laugh when you see Mira's face when knew i'll read this book!
You cant stand when Niken screamed hehehe when knew i've already finnished it!
But i say to girls, when you really love someone,
better if you make sure yourself what you will say to him
before you really tell it to him!
And dont forget your pray! It always work!
Its not about this book!
but about your choise and you to be yourself!
di satu sisi its really match sama konvensional life gw =)
He's Just Not That Into You
By Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
"He's Just Not That Into You is provocative,
hilarious and, above all, intoxicatingly liberating.
It deserves a place on every woman's night table.
It knows you're a beautiful, smart, funny woman who deserves better.
The next time you feel the need to start "figuring him out,"
consider the glorious thought that maybe he's just not that into you.
And then set yourself loose to go find the one who is."
You should see how Wulan suggested me to read this book!
You must be laugh when you see Mira's face when knew i'll read this book!
You cant stand when Niken screamed hehehe when knew i've already finnished it!
But i say to girls, when you really love someone,
better if you make sure yourself what you will say to him
before you really tell it to him!
And dont forget your pray! It always work!
Its not about this book!
but about your choise and you to be yourself!
new book and old friend!
midnight: i was reading my new book when niken sent me message
"tadi gw naek motor pp grogol depok ama angga. mati! badan gw remuk2! hahahaha tapi tetep gila! how are you today hun?!"
hem??? angga died? wait? she laughed. i must be wrong... hem... okay... he was not! hahahaha the news was so funny! I answered her message
"hahahahaha gw kira angga mati... salah baca sms saking buru2 gw bacanya... untunglah kalian berdua selamet (paling engga itulah yang pengen gw tulis di situ, tapi kayaknya di sms ga sebanyak itu =P). Gw lagi baru beli buku aneh yang gw yakin lu ga bakal suka (kalo lo suka bisa gawat dunia hhehehehehe)... tapi mungkin gw mulai suka buku ini..." i replied
"hum buku aneh untuk orang aneh kayak elo! gw mau tidur dulu ya ngantuk nih!" ups she replied it!
She teased me, hemm tough she hadnt know what is the tittle of my new book! Good she decided for sleeping before destroyed my fun with my new book!
there is something between this new book and her, every words there made me imagine hows she will tear every pieces and burn it before she will throw them all to the sea... am i too exaggerate? hemm may be not =)
even they have totally different way to face life, i respect both of their character!
I like my new book and I still here with old friend!
"tadi gw naek motor pp grogol depok ama angga. mati! badan gw remuk2! hahahaha tapi tetep gila! how are you today hun?!"
hem??? angga died? wait? she laughed. i must be wrong... hem... okay... he was not! hahahaha the news was so funny! I answered her message
"hahahahaha gw kira angga mati... salah baca sms saking buru2 gw bacanya... untunglah kalian berdua selamet (paling engga itulah yang pengen gw tulis di situ, tapi kayaknya di sms ga sebanyak itu =P). Gw lagi baru beli buku aneh yang gw yakin lu ga bakal suka (kalo lo suka bisa gawat dunia hhehehehehe)... tapi mungkin gw mulai suka buku ini..." i replied
"hum buku aneh untuk orang aneh kayak elo! gw mau tidur dulu ya ngantuk nih!" ups she replied it!
She teased me, hemm tough she hadnt know what is the tittle of my new book! Good she decided for sleeping before destroyed my fun with my new book!
there is something between this new book and her, every words there made me imagine hows she will tear every pieces and burn it before she will throw them all to the sea... am i too exaggerate? hemm may be not =)
even they have totally different way to face life, i respect both of their character!
I like my new book and I still here with old friend!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
smile is better than flat
listen to someone
is better than
insist with own assume
feel it deeply,
hows life fill heart wisely..
listen to someone
is better than
insist with own assume
feel it deeply,
hows life fill heart wisely..
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I disappointed them
feeling not good
what should I do?
am I strong enough?
its about choices
I should do something
to continue my life
and I believe
I can decide in wise way
with God’s guide
Thanks for praying me the best
feeling not good
what should I do?
am I strong enough?
its about choices
I should do something
to continue my life
and I believe
I can decide in wise way
with God’s guide
Thanks for praying me the best
Monday, November 07, 2005
i like break time
especially my break time
in school
since i was in the plsygroup
until college
now im break
for something
and i dont like
this break one...
hope the break time
is over soon
especially my break time
in school
since i was in the plsygroup
until college
now im break
for something
and i dont like
this break one...
hope the break time
is over soon
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
it is the third
first it was because of something that we called bestfriend
second it was beacuse of something that we called religion
and then now...
the third one... it is because of something that we called culture
what next??
Thursday, October 27, 2005
vina bilang cinta
Happy Bithday papa!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
duridu at home!
duriduers having crazy party at home...
he he he... 35 students of my class came to my house...
first pizza then mc donald pack
hemm black forrest cake and ice cream after that..
and didnt forget take some pictures of us... cool!
thank God they didnt destroy my house with their laugh he he
Love them much coz they ore so lovely
wish this friendship forever and ever
he he he... 35 students of my class came to my house...
first pizza then mc donald pack
hemm black forrest cake and ice cream after that..
and didnt forget take some pictures of us... cool!
thank God they didnt destroy my house with their laugh he he
Love them much coz they ore so lovely
wish this friendship forever and ever
Monday, October 24, 2005
24 october 1997
yacub back to his Lord
yacub was the one i used to share
yacub was the one i used to take care
yacub was the one that always there
yacub will always my heart...
yacub back to his Lord
yacub was the one i used to share
yacub was the one i used to take care
yacub was the one that always there
yacub will always my heart...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
happy birthday mba ajeng
19 october 2005
hi hi hi hi
older than before...
should be wiser!!!
Happy birthday Mba!!!
hi hi hi hi
older than before...
should be wiser!!!
Happy birthday Mba!!!
should turn this stuff off
i think i should turn this stuff off
its being so hard to be myself
if i still stand on this dark situation
should i turn this stuff off and is it over?
yes and no..
its ok
may be i can relax for a while...
its being so hard to be myself
if i still stand on this dark situation
should i turn this stuff off and is it over?
yes and no..
its ok
may be i can relax for a while...
Friday, October 21, 2005
see me differently???
if find someone that see you differently.. not as a sister :)
then you know that he might be the one ;)
said mbae' to me...
if find someone that see you differently.. not as a sister :)
then you know that he might be the one ;)
said mbae' to me...
this every minutes
nick called me minutes ago...
minutes after i decided left my dream behind...
now havent know yet...
what will i do the next minutes...
minutes after i decided left my dream behind...
now havent know yet...
what will i do the next minutes...
throw them away?
i can't take care them anymore...
wanna addopt them????
so sad... need someone who loves them trully...
im not throw them away...
just wanna give them better live...
wanna addopt them????
so sad... need someone who loves them trully...
im not throw them away...
just wanna give them better live...
Monday, October 17, 2005
waiting for a week
a week can be become so fast if its about pressentation, assingments, test bla bla bla
but a week can be become soooooooooooooooooo difficult to reach if its about love
yes it is...
but a week can be become soooooooooooooooooo difficult to reach if its about love
yes it is...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
strange world
what a scary life
i watched television
all news about sadness
no happyness news...
what life im living in?
the sky still blue
the grass still green
and the water still give life
we still stand in the same land
we take the air in our every breath
but why we are such as strangers
that live in the strange world..
i watched television
all news about sadness
no happyness news...
what life im living in?
the sky still blue
the grass still green
and the water still give life
we still stand in the same land
we take the air in our every breath
but why we are such as strangers
that live in the strange world..
Saturday, October 15, 2005
i tried not to say anything
felt so tired and dizzy
too hard
brought it myself
until heard that whisper patient...
felt so tired and dizzy
too hard
brought it myself
until heard that whisper patient...
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
silence feeling
she is smiling to herself...
see deeply into her eyes
in front of the mirror
in her bedroom
thinking of him
he is talking to himself
watch out his cell phone
playing with his own hand
inside his car
thinking of her too
every seconds
every minutes pass out
since when it start
until when it end
never know hows each other feeling...
see deeply into her eyes
in front of the mirror
in her bedroom
thinking of him
he is talking to himself
watch out his cell phone
playing with his own hand
inside his car
thinking of her too
every seconds
every minutes pass out
since when it start
until when it end
never know hows each other feeling...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
waiting for family chat tonight...
Monday, October 10, 2005
10 10 20 05
Sunday, September 25, 2005
CP bienale exhibition
Friday, September 23, 2005
celebrate somethin?
Thursday, September 22, 2005
yesterday was my birthday
21 years old
at 21 september 2005
we had pijamas party last night...
and i still wear it now :P
there were 15 girls sleptover at my house
Naya, Ivana, Siska,
Lalit, Neri, Nhay, Ika, Revi, Ica,
Odonk, Nuri, Nina, Tami,
Wulan and Fithri
we ate pizza. drink coke and got crazy with a lot of ice cream

aha... and didnt forget to watch movie
Janji Joni, Jersey Girl and the last Forrest Gump!
at 1 am all droped...
and we slept anywhere we could..
some in my room, some in the other room
and some in front of the television

in the morning
we finished our pizza
ate cake
and ice cream party once again....

then some reading comics and some in the middle of discuss
girl talk, dept issues, campus live, open house, exhibition etc

there were another guest who didnt slept over here
niken, ari, alex, didi, nana and elmar...
thx all that was really nice....
and for all who pray for my birthday...
and wish me all the best
thank you....thank you very muchh
God Bless all of us...
i love you all....
21 years old
at 21 september 2005
we had pijamas party last night...
and i still wear it now :P
there were 15 girls sleptover at my house
Naya, Ivana, Siska,
Lalit, Neri, Nhay, Ika, Revi, Ica,
Odonk, Nuri, Nina, Tami,
Wulan and Fithri
we ate pizza. drink coke and got crazy with a lot of ice cream


aha... and didnt forget to watch movie
Janji Joni, Jersey Girl and the last Forrest Gump!
at 1 am all droped...
and we slept anywhere we could..
some in my room, some in the other room
and some in front of the television


in the morning
we finished our pizza
ate cake
and ice cream party once again....


then some reading comics and some in the middle of discuss
girl talk, dept issues, campus live, open house, exhibition etc


there were another guest who didnt slept over here
niken, ari, alex, didi, nana and elmar...
thx all that was really nice....
and for all who pray for my birthday...
and wish me all the best
thank you....thank you very muchh
God Bless all of us...
i love you all....
Monday, September 19, 2005
im doing my assignment
right now
about hongkong,
but sleepy....
right now
about hongkong,
but sleepy....
Saturday, September 17, 2005
feeling this...


lisa and the little glumpang dog
dearest the beautiful one, lisa polak.
hei girl
just want to say hello to you
i miss the way you hold my hand
hug and cuddle me..
not only as a friend
not just as bestfriend
you made me comfortable
really as my sister...
Thanks sweetheart...thanks


ed the clown
For the funniest also the coolest man, Ed murfitt.
haha.. I miss the way you look deeply into my eyes
and hug me tight
it was feel like all rejoice come again
among the cruel troubles
although i always confuse with what u r talking about hehehe
you make me calm down
and feel so proud be your sister...


sam and the poor egg
And Sam Clark...
the one in his silence and his calm smile
enough to make me believe
im not just a big tantor
but a gorilla princess
actually i hate the time i far from him
need him beside...always...

sam lisa wanda ed
this is my new family...
i appreciate for this
i really have big family now...
and i love them all...
Friday, September 02, 2005
Holliday on Friday
tadi pagi libur lhoooo
trus ehemmm kerennn
akhirnya bisa istirahat...
tidurrrrrrrrrrrrr kayak hamsterrrr
trus anak2 mahawaditra datenggg
ada naya, alghif, marcel, mba meta ama mba tikaaa

Kris, Marcel, Mba Tika, Mba Meta, Naya, Alghif, Mum, Dad
@ Pizza Hut Pesona Khayangan, Depok
trus jalan ama naya ama ria ke itc depok yang baruu
gile rame bangetttttttzzzzzzz kayakkkk pasarrr pagiii booo

naya ria wanda
trus naya ama ria maen ke rumah ampe malemmm
nah sekarang mayang yang maen ke rumah
nah udah dulu yaaaa
trus ehemmm kerennn
akhirnya bisa istirahat...
tidurrrrrrrrrrrrr kayak hamsterrrr
trus anak2 mahawaditra datenggg
ada naya, alghif, marcel, mba meta ama mba tikaaa

Kris, Marcel, Mba Tika, Mba Meta, Naya, Alghif, Mum, Dad
@ Pizza Hut Pesona Khayangan, Depok
trus jalan ama naya ama ria ke itc depok yang baruu
gile rame bangetttttttzzzzzzz kayakkkk pasarrr pagiii booo

naya ria wanda
trus naya ama ria maen ke rumah ampe malemmm
nah sekarang mayang yang maen ke rumah
nah udah dulu yaaaa
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
coming h o m e
August 27th 2005
Party for us..@UN Habitat office..

back (Mr. Dito, Bang Zul, Yusda, K Dewi, Fajar, Mas Bambang, Lisa)
front (Mr.Atim, K Yuni, Popon item, Band Andi, Wanda, K Ia, Ata, K Yanti, Mr. Ross)
UN Habitat family @ front teracce of UN Habitat office
Jl Taman Makam Pahlawan number 3, Banda Aceh
i will really miss u all friends...
hei hei hei depok!!!
Im home now
Its nice!!!
Party for us..@UN Habitat office..

back (Mr. Dito, Bang Zul, Yusda, K Dewi, Fajar, Mas Bambang, Lisa)
front (Mr.Atim, K Yuni, Popon item, Band Andi, Wanda, K Ia, Ata, K Yanti, Mr. Ross)
UN Habitat family @ front teracce of UN Habitat office
Jl Taman Makam Pahlawan number 3, Banda Aceh
i will really miss u all friends...
hei hei hei depok!!!
Im home now
Its nice!!!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
After dinner on Raja birthday party

lisa, fajar, mike, mr.atim, mr.ross, raja, bang said
Mike asked us to watch movie in his house
because tomorrow is our holliday (Indonesian Independence day)
and he promised us to deliver us home after that...
We didnt watch movie at all... too tired...
but we played cards
there were intan, art, lisa (australia), fajar, germany woman (forget her name),
mike and myself...
Lisa didnt play she was so sleepy that night


wanda, intan, ..., lisa, mike, fajar
at 11 pm we asked mike to deliver us home...
he agreed
but... unfortunately...
the driver already slept that time..
accidently fajar, lisa and me slept in UNDP house...
there was no room for us..
Intan had idea...
we slept together
on the top of the building...
cold but cool

Fajar, Lisa, Wanda, Intan, Mike
Sleepover on the roof @UNDP house number 3
August 16th, 2005 Banda Aceh-Indonesia
Indonesia Independence day in Banda Aceh
After mike and intan deliver us home
Fajar and I cleaned our house, washed our clothes
washed plates, showered and packing
and then suddenly went to Merduati to meet Vic and Leony
And then we went to Lambung for lunch with the villagers


a cup of coffee with lunch
The next hour we went to Lisa's house and waiting for Mike
We went to Lhok Nga beach with Mike, Intan, Vebry, and Lisa

mike and his surf stuff
The journey still run that night...
we arrived at Lisa's house at 8 PM
and then after had our dinner
Bang Samdani from Lambung picked us up
to his village and the villagers give us alot of durian...

Pak Zaidi, Lisa, Wanda, Bang Samdani
wow...they gave us over and over again... till drop...
and they delivered us home it almost at 00.00...
what a busy independence day...
dah hampir selesai niii... seminggu lagi...
tak tau lagi bagaimana keaadaan diri sekarang ini...
pastinya tak terawat hueheuhauhuahua
yah ga apa apa
btw the most important thing adalah
i miss all of my family...
my pets
my bestfriends
my friends
my room
my home...
yaaaaaaa semuanyaaaa.....
muach muach muach
luv u


lisa, fajar, mike, mr.atim, mr.ross, raja, bang said
Mike asked us to watch movie in his house
because tomorrow is our holliday (Indonesian Independence day)
and he promised us to deliver us home after that...
We didnt watch movie at all... too tired...
but we played cards
there were intan, art, lisa (australia), fajar, germany woman (forget her name),
mike and myself...
Lisa didnt play she was so sleepy that night


wanda, intan, ..., lisa, mike, fajar
at 11 pm we asked mike to deliver us home...
he agreed
but... unfortunately...
the driver already slept that time..
accidently fajar, lisa and me slept in UNDP house...
there was no room for us..
Intan had idea...
we slept together
on the top of the building...
cold but cool

Fajar, Lisa, Wanda, Intan, Mike
Sleepover on the roof @UNDP house number 3
August 16th, 2005 Banda Aceh-Indonesia
Indonesia Independence day in Banda Aceh
After mike and intan deliver us home
Fajar and I cleaned our house, washed our clothes
washed plates, showered and packing
and then suddenly went to Merduati to meet Vic and Leony
And then we went to Lambung for lunch with the villagers


a cup of coffee with lunch
The next hour we went to Lisa's house and waiting for Mike
We went to Lhok Nga beach with Mike, Intan, Vebry, and Lisa


mike and his surf stuff
The journey still run that night...
we arrived at Lisa's house at 8 PM
and then after had our dinner
Bang Samdani from Lambung picked us up
to his village and the villagers give us alot of durian...


Pak Zaidi, Lisa, Wanda, Bang Samdani
wow...they gave us over and over again... till drop...
and they delivered us home it almost at 00.00...
what a busy independence day...
dah hampir selesai niii... seminggu lagi...
tak tau lagi bagaimana keaadaan diri sekarang ini...
pastinya tak terawat hueheuhauhuahua
yah ga apa apa
btw the most important thing adalah
i miss all of my family...
my pets
my bestfriends
my friends
my room
my home...
yaaaaaaa semuanyaaaa.....
muach muach muach
luv u
Thursday, August 11, 2005
FRS itu Formulir rencana studi
nah today mesti ngisi niiii
biar awal semester wanda bisa kuliah lagii
ni pinjem komputer k Nadiya di UN Habitat
mau ngambil brapa sks ya??? belom tau niiii
hupss today wanda pilekk
trus minum nalgestan, sudah baekann
tapi ngantuk, ga papa
oiya Anne dari Handicap International
mau pulang ke Perancis..
Terima kasih udah diajak lunch di Pizza Mina..
Walaupun Anne dan Mike berebutan bayar...
akhirnya Mike yang menang untuk bayar...
lucu banget kalian....

Leony, Victor, Wanda, Raja, Anne, Mike, Fajar, Lisa
August 9th, 2005 @ Pizza Mina, Banda Aceh
Today Anne pulang, sebelumnya dia mampir ke UN habitat dulu
untuk ngucapin selamat tinggal dan ngasih kita kenang-kenangan
Trus kita sempet foto sama-sama :)

pak dito, victor, wanda, fajar, anne, lisa, leony
@UN habitat office, Banda Aceh
Makasi dan sampai ketemu lagi Anne!!!
udah dulu ya!!!
nah today mesti ngisi niiii
biar awal semester wanda bisa kuliah lagii
ni pinjem komputer k Nadiya di UN Habitat
mau ngambil brapa sks ya??? belom tau niiii
hupss today wanda pilekk
trus minum nalgestan, sudah baekann
tapi ngantuk, ga papa
oiya Anne dari Handicap International
mau pulang ke Perancis..
Terima kasih udah diajak lunch di Pizza Mina..
Walaupun Anne dan Mike berebutan bayar...
akhirnya Mike yang menang untuk bayar...
lucu banget kalian....

Leony, Victor, Wanda, Raja, Anne, Mike, Fajar, Lisa
August 9th, 2005 @ Pizza Mina, Banda Aceh
Today Anne pulang, sebelumnya dia mampir ke UN habitat dulu
untuk ngucapin selamat tinggal dan ngasih kita kenang-kenangan
Trus kita sempet foto sama-sama :)

pak dito, victor, wanda, fajar, anne, lisa, leony
@UN habitat office, Banda Aceh
Makasi dan sampai ketemu lagi Anne!!!
udah dulu ya!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Nick Mazeltov
Not today...
but the day before today
was her birthday
20 July 2005.
happy wise 21 dear my best of my bestmate...
be strong and greater inside ur heart
luv u Maze.
but the day before today
was her birthday
20 July 2005.
happy wise 21 dear my best of my bestmate...
be strong and greater inside ur heart
luv u Maze.
Monday, July 11, 2005
a c e h
hei all
wanda lagi di aceh
menyenangkan sekali..
di sini wanda bareng..
leony vera sorta
dhona fajar hery victor syam and kedung

victor, syam, dhona, fajar, kedung, hery, leony, vera, sorta
Posted by Picasa
kami kerja
UN habitat
Forum Bangun Aceh
Habitat for Humanity
Handicap International
di banda aceh
dari awal juli hingga akhir agustus
cerita ceritanya banyak banget....
nanti aja ya ya ya...
sekarang mesti gambar gambar lagiii dadaaaahhh
luv u all
wanda lagi di aceh
menyenangkan sekali..
di sini wanda bareng..
leony vera sorta
dhona fajar hery victor syam and kedung

victor, syam, dhona, fajar, kedung, hery, leony, vera, sorta
Posted by Picasa
kami kerja
UN habitat
Forum Bangun Aceh
Habitat for Humanity
Handicap International
di banda aceh
dari awal juli hingga akhir agustus
cerita ceritanya banyak banget....
nanti aja ya ya ya...
sekarang mesti gambar gambar lagiii dadaaaahhh
luv u all
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